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Why Diabetes Makes You Go to the Bathroom a Lot!

Why Diabetes Makes You Go to the Bathroom a Lot!

You’ve just gone to use the toilet within the last hour, and suddenly, you realize you have to go again. It’s so frustrating to be a captive of your bladder!

So, what is going on?

At least you have the satisfaction of knowing that you aren’t alone. One of the most common symptoms of diabetes is frequent urination, also called “polyuria.” Some diabetics can urinate more than 3 liters of fluid a day!

Naturally, this means many trips to the bathroom daily and an increased thirst to make up for the fluid loss.

Why Are You Going More?

You may notice that you must pee more often after a big carb-laden meal or on days when your blood sugars are high. This is because your body is attempting to flush out some of the excess glucose through your urine.

So, the longer that your blood glucose levels remain high, the more you’ll end up urinating. Sadly, this is not an efficient method for getting rid of sugar. You can’t rely on it to save you from the complications of elevated blood sugar levels.

How Can You Stop Peeing So Much?

If your polyuria symptoms are caused by hyperglycemia, then the quickest way to stop it is to get your levels back under control. Check your blood glucose levels. Take your medication. You may also want to drink some water to help re-hydrate your system.

In the future, limit how many carbs and sweets you eat. This can help prevent excess urination due to diabetes.

What Are Some Symptoms Of Polyuria?

Some of the symptoms you may develop with polyuria include:

  • Large volumes of urine
  • Frequent urge to pee
  • Need to pee during the night

If your symptoms continue even after making dietary changes and controlling your blood sugar levels, they may be caused by something else. Be sure to reach out to your doctor for the right diagnosis and treatment.


Polyuria – Frequent Urination. URL Link. Accessed June 19, 2017.

Excessive Urination Volume (Polyuria). URL Link. Accessed June 19, 2017.