Home Diet & Recipes How to Indulge When You Have Diabetes

How to Indulge When You Have Diabetes

How to Indulge When You Have Diabetes

Diabetes can be difficult due to the simple fact that most people who are diagnosed require a significant overhaul of their dietary habits. Although this can be frustrating for some and downright devastating for others, the good news is that with a revamping of your old favorites, you might not have to give them up entirely.

Quality Ingredients Make All the Difference

Having diabetes, you’re not going to be able to run to the local McDonald’s and grab a few apple pies after dinner, nor should you frequent the muffin bar at your local coffee shop. That isn’t to say you can never have pie or muffins; instead, you simply need to upgrade your ingredients and exercise some restraint.

One of the biggest problems with store-bought dessert and convenience food items is the low-quality ingredients. Although you can certainly purchase prepared organic food, this does not guarantee that your food will be preservative and additive-free, as many prepared organic foods also place unnecessary sugars and flavors into their food.

Instead of giving up your favorite foods, upgrade your pantry and make your favorites yourself for a little pick-me-up.

Upgrading Your Basics

To make a simple upgrade of your basics, take a look at all of your favorites. If you can’t resist a McDonald’s apple pie, make an apple tart with a sourdough crust and cinnamon instead of a fatty crust and sugary filling. If you can’t get by without a muffin for breakfast, make a low-calorie coconut flour muffin packed with nutrients. If a massive burger filled to the brim with sauce is your weakness, create your own burger and bun using high-quality lean meat and whole-wheat flour.

Upgrading your basics does not have to be a matter of giving up all of your favorite foods but should rather be a challenge to improve upon your favorite foods that do not build your body up and provide you with vital nutrients. A supermarket brownie, for instance, may not mesh well with your diabetes, but a homemade brownie sweetened with bananas and baked with dark chocolate could actually prove quite healthy.

As you begin to comb through your favorite problematic foods, search for recipes to recreate the food you love with better ingredients. Fresh ingredients will always win out over preserved or premade food items, and using whole foods will be vast improvements over foods that have been degraded and broken apart.

To keep your diabetes under control and your taste buds healthy, fuse your love of your favorite foods and your dedication to staying healthy by creating delicious, healthy meals at home.


Metabolic Meals. Accessed 6/16/17.
ADA. Accessed 6/16/17.