Home Diet & Recipes 4 Home Remedies for Diabetes Management (#2 Can Lower Blood Sugar by 29%!)

4 Home Remedies for Diabetes Management (#2 Can Lower Blood Sugar by 29%!)

4 Home Remedies for Diabetes Management (#2 Can Lower Blood Sugar by 29%!)

Do you remember those home remedies your grandmother had up her sleeve when you were fighting a cough or cold growing up?

Well, as it turns out, there are some excellent home remedies to help you better manage your diabetes as well.

Whether you are looking for new ways to balance your blood sugar, maintain weight, or boost energy levels, there is always a home remedy that could help.

The best part is that many of these remedies may be sitting in your pantry, so you may not even have to make a trip to the grocery store.

#1 Apple Cider Vinegar

For hundreds of years, apple cider vinegar has been a sweetheart household remedy to relieve a great number of ailments and continues to be used today.

This vinegar may be able to help you manage your fasting blood sugar levels. Studies have found that apple cider vinegar may be able to help boost insulin sensitivity and even change the way your body reacts to sugar.

There are a couple of easy ways to add this vinegar to your diet. You can use this as a salad dressing or if you don’t mind the taste, you can simply mix a teaspoon or two in a cold or warm cup of water.

#2 Cinnamon

Perhaps the most well-known diabetes supporting superfood, cinnamon serves as an excellent home remedy for diabetes management.

Cinnamon may be able to help lower blood sugar by up to 29%.

That’s pretty amazing. What’s more is that this spice may also be able to help improve insulin sensitivity.

You can try adding ½ to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon to your smoothies, coffee, or even oatmeal to see what its magic!

Just be mindful that too much cinnamon is not great, so don’t overdo it.

#3 Fenugreek

Whether you have heard about fenugreek or not, there’s no denying that it could be a beneficial part of your diabetes management plan.

In particular, fenugreek seeds are rich in fiber which can help your body digest carbs and sugar at a slower rate.

Some studies have concluded that these seeds can significantly help people with diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels.

Fenugreek can be added to teas or even added to stews if you enjoy the flavor.

#4 Flaxseeds

Another superfood that may prove to do wonders in your diabetes management plan.

Flaxseeds are high in fiber which not only help boost your digestive health but also help prevent blood sugar spikes.

Try adding a tablespoon of flaxseeds to your oatmeal or toss into a smoothie.
You have nothing to lose considering these foods can do much more for your health than just help you better manage your diabetes.


Authority Nutrition. URL Link Accessed February 15, 2017

The Health Site. URL Link Accessed February 15, 2017