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Are You a Wine Drinker With Diabetes Under Control?

Are You a Wine Drinker With Diabetes Under Control?

Personally, I’m a beer guy; IPA style beer is my favorite kind. However, I do enjoy the occasional glass of wine, specially red wine. It turns out that red wine can have some beneficial effects for type 2 diabetics.

A not-so-recent-but-still-relevant two-year study suggests that drinking red wine moderately with dinner may improve cholesterol levels in people with well-controlled type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, the same effects were not seen in subjects drinking white wine or plain water. Not to say you should not drink water.

The Benefits of Red Wine

A total of 224 people with type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned about a half cup or either red wine, white wine, or water with dinner for two years. None of the participants were drinkers prior to the study. They were also assigned to follow the Mediterranean diet, but were not told how many calories to consume.

Two years after the study, the researchers found that subjects who drank red wine had a significant increase of 9.8% in HDL cholesterol, or good cholesterol, compared to drinking water. In the case of the white wine group, HDL cholesterol remained similar to the water group.

The study gives supportive evidence for the benefits of red wine. However, questions arise on the topic:

  • What’s the optimal amount of red wine?
  • Why didn’t white wine have the same effect?
  • Which kind of red wine works the best?
  • Should you drink more wine than water?

To the last one, I’d say no. Drinking water is definitely the healthiest option in many aspects, but red wine has its benefits. A balance must be found. But, above all consume alcohol responsibly.

