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Never Take Your Diabetes Medication Again

Never Take Your Diabetes Medication Again

There are so many reasons why diabetes blows. The long-term health consequences, the mood swings that come with blood glucose swings, the constant monitoring of food intake, and of course the administration of medication.

It can put a real damper on things, not to mention cumbersome to have to carry around all the different contraptions that come along with the disease.

Well, at least some scientists thought enough was enough and created a device that can help eliminate all of that headache.

The small device is inserted under the skin and left there long term. It monitors blood sugar and administers medication automatically so that you don’t have to remember to do it yourself.

The Clinical Trials of Texas are currently testing the device out on some 100,000 people with diabetes in San Antonio, Texas.

Once the trials are over, an application will be submitted to the FDA for approval. From there, if it is approved, it can be considered under many insurance policies across the country…

… though no telling if it will actually be covered.

This device could potentially save lives, they say. This may sound like an exaggeration, but the truth is that many people die from lack of medication every year.

Diabetes is a tough disease in this way. Though you may be an expert at monitoring your blood glucose, you may also be a bit too comfortable in your expertise and miss critical signs that could lead to death.

Another major danger for diabetics is simply the cost of medication. Many diabetics fail to renew their prescriptions each month and instead try to stretch out their medication beyond the intended use. This, too, can be deadly.

The doctors involved with the study are hopeful that this device will solve many problems that come along with a diabetes diagnosis.

In the meantime, we must wait for results from the trials.


Fox San Antonio. URL Link. Retrieved May 2, 2017.