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How to Protect the Pancreas With This Diabetes Fighting Oil Blend

How to Protect the Pancreas With This Diabetes Fighting Oil Blend

What if I told you that there is a delicious-smelling potion that could help get your pancreas back on track and that all you had to do was rub a tiny bit on the bottom of your feet each night before going to bed?

Would you do it?

Of course, you would!

Well, let me tell you about this amazing potion, then.

It only has three ingredients: cinnamon oil, coriander oil, and coconut oil. But don’t belittle this concoction: it has serious pancreas-boosting effects.

A study published in 2013 reported that cinnamon essential oil lowered resting blood glucose levels by way of increased insulin secretion in diabetic rats. Not only that, cinnamon oil cuts back on oxidative stress in the pancreas, as well. Meaning, cinnamon oil works as an antioxidant in the diabetic-prone organ.

Coriander has also been touted as an important spice in combatting the disease. Just like cinnamon, coriander lowers blood glucose levels in diabetic mice. The way that it works is by stimulating insulin production as well as enhancing glucose uptake by muscles. This jumpstarts glucose metabolism so that there is never an excessive amount in the blood.

Both ingredients work together to prevent damage to the pancreas and to encourage glucose metabolism. With regular use, it is presumed, you would be supporting your pancreas in the fight against diabetes.

Dr. Axe recommends mixing a few drops of cinnamon and coriander essential oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil, then rubbing the mixture on the bottom of your feet before going to sleep each night. The oils will make their way into the body and work their magic overnight, with effects lasting well into the next day.

This mixture isn’t intended to replace medicine… yet. Talk to your doctor to be sure that this is safe for you and then give it a try! After all, better glucose control isn’t a bad thing.


Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. URL Link. Retrieved April 25, 2017.

Dr. Axe. URL Link. Retrieved April 25, 2017.

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. URL Link. Retrieved April 25, 2017.