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Healthy Travel Snacks for Diabetics

Healthy Travel Snacks for Diabetics

We all tend to get hungry when we travel. Whether we are going a few hours away or taking a long-haul flight, packing snacks can make a big difference in our general mood. For diabetics, taking snacks on journeys long and short can help you regulate spikes and dips in your blood glucose levels throughout your day.

On road trips or plane flights, we often have limited healthy snack and meal options. By packing your own healthy food, you can make sure to keep your blood glucose regular while eating things you enjoy.

Time for a road trip

Road trips can be fairly easy to plan for if you have diabetes. Whether you are planning for a few hours or a few days, there are plenty of ways to make sure you stay on top of your diet and your blood glucose testing schedule.

If you have medication you take regularly, bring enough for your whole trip and use a container to separate pills you need to take at different times of the day. Additionally, if you need to test your blood, don’t forget the strips and check the batteries in your meter before you leave.

When you’re on a road trip, you can determine the route you want to take, make plans to stop in certain locations for a healthy meal, and know where the nearest health facilities are in case you need to visit.

Good road trip snacks include juice, fruit, protein, and things you can eat on the go like sandwiches and prepared salads. This allows you to maintain your diet without compromising adventure.

Plan for a plane flight

Even short flights can pose difficulties for people with diabetes. From driving to the airport to waiting in the long security lines, boarding your flight to getting your bags at your destination, your blood sugar could go through some serious fluctuations if you aren’t prepared.

Some flights offer diabetic-friendly meals, and there is certainly no shortage of sweet snacks at the airport itself. If you let your airline know in advance that you have dietary restrictions, you may be able to better care for yourself on your flight with the help of the airline employees.

Packing your own food for airplane journeys can help tide you over if the airplane snack options aren’t great or if your flight is delayed for any reason. This way you have things to eat to keep your blood sugars balanced, and you won’t have to go hungry.

When it comes to packing for plane travel, make sure to bring foods that do well at room temperature and that will pass through security. These snacks can include small bags of fruit, a mini bottle of juice, or a packet of honey in case of low blood glucose levels.


Diabetes Self-Management. Accessed April 18, 2017.