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Could Diabetes Be Affecting Your Libido?

Could Diabetes Be Affecting Your Libido?

The link between diabetes and erectile dysfunction is well documented and discussed. Due to loss of sensation and decreased circulation, some men may experience difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, which can lead to disinterest in sex, or sexual frustration. In the same vein, women can experience sexual dysfunction that leads to a significant drop in their libido.

A Woman’s Sexual Drive

A woman’s libido is essentially her drive to engage in sex. Hormones and biological factors influence some of this, but libido can also be tied to psychological states. In diabetes, the female libido can be negatively impacted for both biological and psychological reasons.

Why Would a Woman’s Libido Decrease?

#1. Decreased Sensation

Because circulation and nerve damage are both common in diabetes, some women may experience less sensation in the vagina and surrounding areas. Such loss is not a guarantee, but is a common side effect of diabetes, and can cause sex to be uncomfortable or simply unpleasant.

#2. Less Lubrication

A loss of lubrication can occur alongside decreased sensation (fewer sensations mean less of a need to lubricate) or can occur on its own. Even if sensation has not diminished, however, a decrease in lubrication can make sense quite painful. Painful sex can lead to both physical and psychological aversions to sex, making a woman’s libido drop.

#3. Anxiety

Anxiety has a notoriously disastrous effect on the sexual drive of both men and women. Anxiety can cause inflammation within the body to rise, which can turn into depressed immunity, decreased sensation, and difficulty being interested in sex. Keeping stress levels low and spirits high is important for your sex drive—both with and without diabetes.

#4. Self Image Issues

Type 1 diabetes can be accompanied by drastic weight loss, and Type 2 can be accompanied by a higher-than-average weight. Both of these physical states can wreak havoc on one’s self-esteem and could be at least part of the culprit for a diminished or absent libido.


#5. Regular Infections

Finally, sex drives can be affected by infection. Women are particularly susceptible to yeast infections after being diagnosed with diabetes, due to the possible presence of excess sugar in the body. Yeast feeds on sugar and may find the vaginal flora of a diabetic woman particularly useful as a habitat.

It is true that diabetes can be accompanied by some amount of sexual dysfunction, but there are steps you can take to minimize the likelihood. Keeping sugars balanced and low is one simple way to help, as is maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. If you find that these steps are not enough, you can also speak with your doctor about medicinal or therapeutic options.


Web MD. Accessed 9/10/17.

Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 9/10/17.