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A Cuppa Joe May Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes

A Cuppa Joe May Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes

Though millions of people (perhaps even billions) drink coffee every single day, many people believe that coffee is bad for you. Rumors about an overtaxed heart, increased anxiety and even stunted growth create a sense of nervousness surrounding this dark, magical drink.

But guess what?

Coffee is okay to drink! In fact, it’s more than okay to drink. According to science, coffee is actually good for you.

Coffee helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and diabetes

A massive study out of the University of Southern California examined the data of 200,000 participants. The participants came from various ethnicities, ages, and occupations, proving this study applies to a wide range of the population.

Though there was much data to be sorted through, the researchers found one common and overwhelming trend: coffee consumption was definitely related to diseases.

They found that those who consumed coffee daily were a whopping 12 percent less likely to die from common diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and kidney diseases than those who didn’t drink coffee.

That’s not the only shocking part of the data, though.

They also noticed that the more coffee the participant drank, the less likely they would die from diseases. So, for instance, the participants who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were 18 percent less likely to die from those same diseases.

So, go ahead and enjoy your cup of coffee proudly because you are actually doing yourself a favor.

A Diabetes-Friendly Cup of Coffee

Though the data is exciting for coffee lovers, we must not forget that coffee can also be a source of glucose instability, too. Many Americans, in particular, drink their coffee with milk and sugar, making it a not-so-healthy beverage.

Instead of ordering an extra-large-caramel-frap-with-half-the-whipped-cream-and-full-fat-milk, try ordering a plain coffee instead. Add a packet of all natural sugar and a dash of milk to keep your drink from becoming a threat to your health.

BGR. URL Link. Retrieved July 13, 2017.