Home Diet & Recipes Condiments: Safe for Diabetes or a Health Pitfall?

Condiments: Safe for Diabetes or a Health Pitfall?

Condiments: Safe for Diabetes or a Health Pitfall?

Visit just about any fast food restaurant, and you’ll be swimming in condiments. Even sit-down establishments usually boast at least a condiment or two for your food, if not several lining the table. Condiments are used on anything, from appetizers like fries to main courses such as steak or seafood. Are condiments just another link in a well-rounded diet, or a source of dietary harm for diabetics?

The Case For Condiments

Condiments can be useful for their ability to help people eat foods they might not otherwise be willing to consume. A quick glance at a child given broccoli lends insight into this idea, as many children will outright refuse broccoli unless there is ketchup or ranch on the side. Once these unsung heroes show up, children may be willing to eat broccoli in droves.

Adults are no exception. Unpleasant vegetable platters are heavily adorned with dipping sauces while even the most savory steak on the planet is often slathered in steak sauce. Condiments have their place: they provide incentive for people to eat foods they might otherwise turn their nose up at.

The Case Against

While it is true that condiments can help people eat unappealing foods, at what cost are these foods being eaten? Most condiment ingredient labels reveal a lot of added sugars, flavors, preservatives, and even coloring, all of which have the potential to wreak havoc on your diabetes. Added sugars, in particular, are dangerous, because they may cause a simple snack of carrots to jump over your sugar limit, which can interfere with your medication or insulin.

Condiments are also problematic because they mask the taste of food. As your taste buds continue to be desensitized to the nuances of flavor in your food, you will require more and more to be satisfied. More condiments, perhaps, or more sugar, salt, or added flavors.

The Verdict

If you can avoid condiments and retain a healthy diet, do so—or at least source healthy condiments low in sugar and high in healthy fats and filled with nutrients such as those made at home. Mustard and mayonnaise both can be quite healthy, given that their ingredients are simple and straightforward, and both can add just the right amount of kick to a sandwich, burger, or vegetable dish.

Tartar sauce, ketchup, and barbecue sauce are typically the greatest sugar offenders, and should probably be set aside for the occasional summer BBQ instead of being staples in your fridge or pantry.

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>> 1 Simple Trick to Fixing Your Diabetes


Everyday Health. Accessed 8/10/17.

Web MD. Accessed 8/10/17.