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Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle for Diabetics: Dealing With Stress

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle for Diabetics: Dealing With Stress

Stress releases hormones that can have a number of effects on your body, such as increasing your heart rate, blood pressure, and sometimes even your blood glucose level. That’s why important to know how to manage stress.

Recognizing stress

New, unforeseen, uncontrollable, and threatening situations are four types of situations that can cause stress.

If you’re dealing with stress, try these solutions:

  • Change the situations, if possible.
  • Change your way of seeing and reacting to the situation.
  • Avoid the situation.

Knowing yourself

We are often the case of our won stress! Regardless of your age,m changing how you think and react can help improve your well-being. Ask yourself the following questions to see which aspects you need to work on to better manage your stress.

  • Do you see and react to things in an objective and realistic way?
  • Do you listen to your needs? Are you able to communicate clearly and easily with those around you?
  • Are you able to accept your mistakes and imperfections and those of others?
  • Do you allow yourself time to relax?

Living with diabetes

Learning that you have diabetes can be a huge source of stress. It’s a disease that cannot be cured and which requires lifelong treatment. Having to modify your lifestyle affects your day-to-day life. Since it’s not a situation you chose, you may feel like you have lost control over your life. The symptoms and complications ca be scary.

  • By learning more about the disease and taking an active role in your treatment, you can regain more control over your life and feel less threatened by the situation.
  • Make time to learn about living with diabetes. Don’t try to change your habits overnight. Take it one step at a time.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help when things get tough. Your doctor, nurse, dietician, kinesiologist, pharmacist, psychologist, and other healthcare professionals are there to help you cope with diabetes. Lean on your family and friends for support.