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4 Mistakes that Diabetics Need to Stop Making

4 Mistakes that Diabetics Need to Stop Making

I get it. The lifelong struggle with diabetes can be exhausting, and it might seem like you are fighting a losing battle. Indeed, changing one’s habits is easier said than done, and long time diabetics may still have a hard time dealing with the disease despite all those years.

Here are 4 mistakes that people with diabetes need to nix.

#1. Meat Is the Star During Meal Time

Not only does meat takes the center of attention but carb and veggies are nowhere to be found. Having diabetes does not mean you have to cut out all carb: you just have to eat the right amount. Otherwise, you might suffer from a low rather than a high blood sugar.

Well-balanced meals that include a source of protein and carb along with a side of vegetables as shown below is the way to go to avoid the blood sugar rollercoaster.

#2. Skipping Breakfast

Don’t lie and say that you’ve never done it before. The busy lives that most of us lead just seem to stop us from making the right choices for our health—the first one being skipping breakfast. After overnight fasting, the body is depleted of glycogen, and breakfast is just what the doctor ordered to prevent a blood sugar dip.

#3. Thinking Food is the Only Thing that Can Ruin Blood Sugar

Without a doubt, diet plays a huge role in the management of diabetes. But that’s not the only factor that can take your blood sugar for a roller coaster ride. Lack of sleep, stress, physical activity, time of meals, and several other factors can have an impact of the glycemia as well. If your diet is spot on, but your glycemia is still acting up, maybe you should investigate beyond what you eat.

#4. Playing the “Guess Your Blood Sugar” Game

Sure enough, hyper- and hypoglycemia come with a set of symptoms. However, you should be trying to prevent them from occurring rather than anticipating their arrival. Moreover, not everyone can catch on these symptoms; some are completely oblivious to them. Regular testing is your best bet. This is one of the few times where you shouldn’t listen to your gut feeling tends to be wrong.