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3 Unexpected Upsides to a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

3 Unexpected Upsides to a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

Diabetes may not be your best friend, but it may help you make friends elsewhere.

A diabetes diagnosis is devastating. Whether the diagnosis is for your 16-year-old bundle of joy, or is your diagnosis in your mid-seventies, the implications moving forward can be daunting and frightening. The severity of your condition will go a long way in determining potential co-morbid conditions, additional health risks, and treatment plans, so no two diabetics are exactly the same in their lifestyle or treatments.

While all of that can start to look pretty grim, there are some unexpected upsides attached to a Type 2 diagnosis.

#1. A New Sense of Community

Diabetes is a large worldwide community, comprising people of all ages and backgrounds. Initially being diagnosed can feel isolating and difficult, but being diagnosed with Type 2 brings the possibility of a new sense of community. Once you’ve been diagnosed, join in on this community.

If you are shy or unsure, you can start with diabetes message boards. If you are more adventurous or outgoing, talk to your doctor about any local support groups, and get involved in the local diabetic community.

#2. You Must Keep an Eye on Your Body

This may initially seem like a problem, but keeping a close eye on your body can actually be a positive. Plenty of otherwise healthy individuals have very little body awareness. Increased body awareness can catch illness faster, notice extreme fatigue more quickly, and help prevent injury. A diabetes diagnosis is also an urgent invitation to get to know your body’s unique make-up and needs.

As a diabetic, you must be able to recognize the signs of blood sugar highs and lows, and you should be able to identify patterns in your eating that link to your highs and lows. This will help you learn how and when to eat and drink.

#3. You Must Find Creative Ways of Eating Old Favorites

Upon being diagnosed with diabetes, a lot of your old favorites are taken off the table. High-fat, high sugar items are no longer an option Instead of giving up your favorite (unhealthy) foods entirely, you may choose instead to get creative and make swaps for high-fat frying oil, or create low-sugar alternatives of your favorite desserts. Learning how to cook healthy food is a wonderful life skill to have, as it saves you money, gives you control over your ingredients, and gives you the opportunity to try rich, wholesome food that will nourish your body.


Everyday Health. Accessed 8/13/17.