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3 Habits Healthy Diabetes Patients Adopt

3 Habits Healthy Diabetes Patients Adopt

Keeping a close eye on your health is never more important than when you’ve received a diagnosis of a chronic condition such as diabetes. Health, for diabetics, is not a simple matter of making sure you eat healthy and exercise but usually involves diet and exercise plans, medication, regular doctor visits, and a careful eye on mental health.

Fortunately, having both diabetes and health is not impossible. With care and attention, you can count yourself among those who call themselves both healthy and diabetic.

#1. Staying Informed

Diabetes news and research seem to be on a never-ending cycle. New research and new treatment avenues pop up on a near-constant basis, for both Type 1 and Type 2 patients. Keeping informed of all of the changes, new medications on the market, and new therapies to try will help you keep a closer eye on your diabetes, and will also help you feel as though you have some control in what happens to you.

It is never advisable to go against the treatment plan created for you by your doctor, but you have every right to know why you are given XYZ medication or whether or not an alternative therapy might be a good option for you. People whose diabetes is managed successfully stay informed about their condition, their options, and their bodies.

#2. Tailoring Their Life to Their Unique Makeup

Diabetes looks different for everyone. Admittedly, there are some overall risk factors present for Type 2 diabetes patients, but even in Type 2, some risk factors just aren’t present. Part of managing your condition successfully and consistently lies in figuring out what works for your body. Some people can eat rice without trouble and balance out the rest of their meals while others can’t even look at rice without their blood sugar leaping out of bounds.

Pay attention to your body. Notice how you react to the food you eat, the exercise you engage in, the amount of sleep you get, your moods—all of these can provide wonderful insight into your unique genetic makeup. Knowing your body and its processes is one of the best ways to keep your glucose balanced and your body healthy.

#3. Making Changes as Necessary

Some medications aren’t going to work for you and diet management techniques may not make the cut. You may have to start using insulin to manage your condition. That’s okay. Being flexible in treatment is an absolute must in successfully managing your diabetes because your body can change on a dime and develop resistance to medication, or grow immune to the positive effects of dietary restrictions.

Making changes might also mean changing your physician if your treatment has stalled or enlisting the help of a new specialist to keep complications at bay. Adaptability serves the dual purpose of keeping you safe and healthy while helping you keep stress levels low.


NCBI. Accessed 7/30/17.

NIDDK. Accessed 7/30/17.