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Why Do Wounds Heal Slower If You Have Diabetes?

Why Do Wounds Heal Slower If You Have Diabetes?

That papercut you got a few days ago is healing unusually slow. If you have diabetes, your condition may be the cause. Here’s the reason why diabetics heal slower.

Diabetes and Your Body

Diabetes affects the way your body handles insulin. It either can’t produce it or use it. Your inability to regulate your blood sugar is what makes wounds heal at a slower rate.

If your blood sugar is elevated beyond average rates, it can cause different effects in your body. One of them is impairing your immune system. Another way it effects your healing rate is reducing your body’s ability to energize cells by stopping oxygen and nutrients to get to it. Cell inflammation also increases if you have diabetes.

Consequently, if you have any wounds, you should make sure you treat them properly. You are more prone to infections, or worse if you don’t. One of the more serious concerns about untreated wounds is amputation.

According to the Mayo Clinic, more than 80% of amputations start as untreated foot ulcers. So, if you have a wound, especially on your feet it is important to get treatment as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help speed the healing process along.

Diabetic Wound Care

First, make sure you do self-checks regularly. This is to make sure you catch any wounds before they become infected. Or even worse, you develop complications from it.

Next, check for and remove any dead tissue. They tend to happen in wounds if you have diabetes. Not removing them helps promote toxins and bacteria. This also increases your chances of getting an infection at the site.

Additionally, make sure to change your dressings regularly. This can help maintain proper levels of moisture in the wound. It also reduces bacteria.

Lastly, make sure to prevent damaging wear and tear on the skin. Be careful not to put pressure on the wound or surround areas.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the reason why diabetics heal slower, it’s time to change the way you look at first aid. It may seem like extra steps for wound care but being pro-active can prevent complications later.