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What Diabetes Can Do To Your Nails

What Diabetes Can Do To Your Nails

Everyone likes having a nicely manicured set of ‘pretty’ nails, even guys! But, this may not always be possible with the symptoms that diabetes can cause. It can affect the fingernails and toe nails in a number of different ways.

Let’s find out!

Yellowing Of the Nails

Sometimes, problems with the breakdown of blood sugars can have an effect on collagen, which is a substance found in the skin and nails. This results in the nail turning yellowish. Thankfully, this color change isn’t dangerous when caused by diabetes alone. You can easily hide it with a coat of nail polish.

Nail Fungus

However, a color change along with thickening and peeling of the nails could be a sign of a fungal infection. It is difficult for most people to treat a fungal infection with over-the-counter products but downright impossible for someone with an impaired immune system. You’ll need to speak with your doctor about an appropriate and safe regimen for curing the fungus. It’s possible that the doctor will prescribe an oral medication that works from inside the body. This is often more effective than creams, as nail infections start underneath the nail and in the cuticle.

Terry’s Nails

This condition can be a sign of untreated diabetes in patients. Those with Terry’s Nails have a mostly white nail bed with just a narrow band of pink right at the tip of the fingernails. It can also indicate another underlying condition, such as kidney failure, liver disease, or congestive heart disease.

Beau’s Lines

Another sign of uncontrolled diabetes is horizontal lines running across the fingernail. These occur when an illness or injury temporarily affects the growth of the fingernail. It can also be a sign of peripheral vascular disease and illnesses associated with a high fever.


Have Diabetes? Take That Toenail Fungus Seriously. URL Link. Accessed May 3, 2017.

Is Diabetes Causing My Yellow Nails? URL Link. Accessed May 3, 2017.

Slide show: 7 Fingernail Problems Not To Ignore. URL Link. Accessed May 3, 2017.