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How This Vegetable Saves The Day For Type 2 Diabetes

How This Vegetable Saves The Day For Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the result of poor diet and lack of exercise. At a certain point, the body decides that it can’t handle the lifestyle anymore and throws in the proverbial towel and stops responding to insulin.

Medications exist to treat this, but they often come with a whole host of problems. Some people have a hard time remembering to take medicine. Others have major side effects. For a few, diabetes medication can do major damage to the kidneys and liver. As a result, researchers are searching for an alternative treatment that is a lot safer than pharmaceutical medication.

Annika Axelsson, from the Lund University Diabetes Center in Sweden, turned to the kitchen to find her all natural alternative treatment.

Broccoli Sprout Extract Improves Fasting Blood Glucose

In some fancy science experiments, Axelsson and her colleagues were able to test broccoli sprout extract for a few ways.

First, they applied sulforaphane, the chemical compound in broccoli sprouts (and other cruciferous veggies) to cultured liver cells that mimic type 2 diabetes. When applied to the liver cells, the sulforaphane reduced overall production of glucose.

Next, the group tested the extract on obese individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. One group consumed the extract during a 12-week period while the other group consumed a placebo during the same period. Compared to the group that consumed the placebo, those who had the broccoli extract had better fasting blood glucose.

While further research is needed to determine if this is indeed a reliable treatment for type 2 diabetes, it certainly is promising.

It just goes to show how powerful plants can be. Try incorporating cruciferous vegetables into your daily diet, along with some moderate daily exercise. You will definitely see major improvements in your diagnosis whether you are currently on medication or not!

Medical News Today. URL Link. Retrieved June 15, 2017.