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Unlock the Full Potential of your Brain

Unlock the Full Potential of your Brain

“It is estimated that most human beings only use 10% of the brain’s capacity”, says Professor Norman played by Morgan Freeman in the movie “Lucy”. And guess what?

He might not be so crazy.

If this was true, the question that begs to be asked is: “How can we unlock the other 90% part of the brain?”

Nowadays, it seems like no one is truly safe from the ravage of fearsome health threats. Heck, you can be eating the right diet and train like a beast but still cannot escape the wrath of aging. With aging comes with what-seems-to-be a never-ending list of ailments.

One disease that is striking tremendous fear among the old and young folks is Alzheimer’s.  Will there ever be a day where we can get rid of this rotten disease (wishful thinking) or, at the very list, push it back further than it is now?

“Widely used as a cognitive enhancer and to treat neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.”

“Nearly 4 times as many people had improvements to their memory […] than those who didn’t [do this].”

“ [..] provide compelling evidence for the global efficacy of [this] in a diverse group of older subjects with cognitive impairment.”

“[This] is important for the communication between motor neuros and the control of skeletal muscles.”

“[This] prevents memory impairment by protecting against neuronal cell death.”

Adam Rand is your average Joe who was just seeking ways to help his mind stay as sharp as possible, for as long as possible. His countless and extensive research led him to discover what might be the pill that had your mind blown when you watched the movies “Limitless” and “Lucy”. Raves about this discovery have gotten people are riled up, and it quickly scurried its way into the headlines of several news articles. Rand expressed that claims are supported by evidence-based research studies that are featured in high esteemed journals.

According to him, doctors in Russia have been sharing this inside secret with their patients for a while now.

Since his uncovering, Rand has been trying to get the word out about it. On his website, he shared his personal struggle and experience, as well as the myriad of benefits from doing what he does. 

To learn more about what it is that Rand is so eager to share, click here to view the presentation video.