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This Is the Best Surgery for Diabetes Control

This Is the Best Surgery for Diabetes Control

Do you suffer from obesity? Have you thought of having surgery to deal with it? This should be a last resort when all other options (for example a rigorous diet and exercise) have been exhausted. If you ever come to this point in your life, and I hope you don’t, it would be good to know this piece of information.

The best type of weight-loss surgery for diabetes control is the gastric bypass.

This is by no means something that I just made up. According to a study published in JAMA Surgery, this surgery has the best result. The study included 569 obese patients with type 2 diabetes and had taken various weight-loss measures and 1,881 who had not had surgery.

The first result was not surprising. Patients who had stomach surgery were 18 times more likely to go into remission than patients who did not have surgery.

What they found is that among those surgeries, gastric bypass may be the best.

Remission rates of the patients who had undergone surgery was higher in those who went with the gastric bypass route. Amazingly, the patients with gastric bypass surgery were 43 times more likely to have a reversal in their diabetes, whereas those with gastrectomies were 17 times more likely to be in remission.

This means that gastric bypass surgery and other bariatric procedures can help diabetes patients reduce their blood sugar levels and eliminate the useĀ for medications.

However, surgery may not be the best option in all circumstances. For example, there is not strong evidence to support the recommendation of bariatric surgery to diabetic patients who are not obese.


The Jamestown Sun. Type of Weightloss surgery matters for diabetes remission. Accessed February 21, 2017.