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This Grain Can Lower Blood Sugar Fast

This Grain Can Lower Blood Sugar Fast

Perhaps you have cut out wheat and rice as you attempt to gain more control over your diabetes symptoms. As a consequence, you feel that your diet is increasingly limited.

Many diabetics are attempting to better control their diabetes by removing glutton and wheat-based foods from their diet. Clearly, diabetics are already limited by the types of food they can eat and the thought of eliminating wheat and rice from their routine further narrows the types of food available to them.

So in order to better manage blood sugar levels, researchers are investigating wheat and rice free diets that don’t make mealtime increasingly bland and stressful.

Because finding blood-sugar friendly grains can be a difficult phenomenon for diabetics, the news that researchers have found a tasty substitute that is making diabetics sigh with relief.

Research, recently published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research suggests that millet is a magic bullet that you can substitute wheat and rice with when it comes to improving your diabetes health. Researchers measured fasting glucose levels of two groups and then measured their blood glucose levels again following breakfast.

The group who had millet at breakfast had a glycemic index of 59.25 compared to 77.96 of those who started off their day with a rice-based breakie.

Millet is highly nutritious and an excellent source of fiber and can be prepared with chopped vegetables and herbs, added to salads and even combined with bean to make inexpensive meals. Millet can also be made into bread and pasta.

So don’t get bummed out if you think cutting wheat and rice out of your diet is going to ruin the joy of mealtime. Get on the millet bandwagon, you’ll be glad that you did.