Home Diet & Recipes The Pros and Cons of Eating Cheese for Diabetics

The Pros and Cons of Eating Cheese for Diabetics

The Pros and Cons of Eating Cheese for Diabetics

Cheese is a large part of the American food culture. But, does being diabetic mean you have to stop eating it? Not really. There are pros and cons ofq eating cheese if you are diabetic.


Cheese is rich in protein and calcium, the latter of which is very important if you are a woman. Though the protein content varies depending on the cheese, minimal amounts can give your healthy diet a boost of this much-needed mineral. The protein content can also help you balance your blood sugar levels when they get high. Which can happen if you eat carbohydrates by itself.

It is also very low in carbohydrates, which translates as fairly low on the glycemic index (GI). While this isn’t a license to eat as much cheese as you want, it won’t cause your blood sugar to spike like other foods.

Likewise, cheese is also good for maintaining healthy glucose levels. Because it is low on the GI, eating cheese won’t cause havoc when managing your glucose levels.

And lastly, eating cheese may help lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. Though evidence is inconclusive, researchers are beginning to draw a link between cheese products and reducing the type 2 diabetes risk.


Unfortunately, as good as cheese is for your body, many people have a dairy intolerance or allergy. Though you can find cheese alternatives that carry similar nutritional value as real cheese, sometimes it just isn’t the same.

Also, cheese is generally high in fat and calories. This varies between cheese types. But, if you are restricting fat and calorie intake to keep your weight under control this can be a problem. You can substitute regular cheese with its low-fat alternatives. However, you should still use moderation when adding cheese to your diet.

Finally, cheese contains sodium. Sometimes a lot of sodium. Like the nutrition and fat content, sodium content can also vary from cheese to cheese. Still, you should read labels carefully. Diabetics who eat too much sodium can cause their blood pressure to rise.

Final Thoughts

Like other foods, there are pros and cons for eating cheese if you are diabetic. But, if you choose wisely and in moderation, there is no reason you can’t add it to your diabetic meal plan.