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Never miss a single blood test again.

Never miss a single blood test again.

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Type 1 diabetes can be a scary diagnosis for parents. The severity of the diagnosis is often times the source of much fear and anxiety for parents as they send their little ones off to school each day. Even with the best preparation and open communication with their child the fear of deadly highs and coma-inducing lows lingers. With one app that is downloadable in both the Apple store and Google Play, parents can monitor their child’s blood sugar levels all throughout the day: the BlueLoop app powered by MyCareConnect.

An app to monitor blood sugar levels

diabetes-app-2This app is an incredible resource that allows the user to document diabetes information in real-time. Instead of keeping a constant internal dialogue of what your numbers are, the app allows you to record all of your information on your phone. Blood glucose, carbohydrates, medication, and insulin injections are all easily tracked as many times a day as needed.

Communicate with the school nurse

Indeed, it is helpful to have an app available to help you record the tedious task of monitoring your diabetes, but what about monitoring your child’s numbers? For this reason, the app has become incredibly popular among parents. The sharing feature of this app is what makes it especially helpful.

Parents can create profiles for numerous people so that they can log in remotely and record data regarding the child. As the child grows older and is capable of logging this information him or herself, the app allows parents to continue to view the data remotely.

This can include health care professionals and beyond as well. The possibilities really are endless with an application such as this. With a little bit of coordination, you can provide your child with a wrap-around approach to support and monitoring.

Other useful apps for diabetes

This app allows for monitoring as well but also creates a graph so that you can see trends over time to help you better anticipate when highs and lows may occur.

If you forget to monitor your blood, then this app helps you remember! It records your data so that you can monitor your habits and trends for better planning.

Record your data and share with a community online. This app is great for connecting people so that you have support right at your freshly pricked fingertips.