Home Diet & Recipes Naturally Control Diabetes with These 5 Herbs & Spices-Find Out How!

Naturally Control Diabetes with These 5 Herbs & Spices-Find Out How!

Naturally Control Diabetes with These 5 Herbs & Spices-Find Out How!

For some, taking a more natural approach to health just makes sense. Choosing to naturally take care of your health means taking a stand for making healthy lifestyle changes and taking your health into your own hands.

Before we jump in, remember that it’s always important to speak with your doctor before adding any new supplements or including herbs to your diet. You want to make sure that they are safe to take with your current medications!

Now, with that out of the way, let’s look at five herbs and spices that just may have the power to help you control your diabetes.  


shutterstock_393034648Who doesn’t love garlic, right? One of the many great things about garlic is the fact that it’s so easy to find and tastes great with a variety of different dishes. Not only that, but it has numerous health benefits. Garlic contains sulfur compounds which help dilate blood vessels and can also help you better manage your blood pressure. Garlic has also been found to help reduce high cholesterol. All in all, this is an excellent heart-healthy superfood you can easily add to your diet.


Here’s a particularly interesting one. A German study found that people with diabetes who consumed sage on an empty stomach experienced lower blood sugar levels. If you’re interested in adding sage to your diet, you can add it to casseroles, soups, or even enjoy it as a tea.


shutterstock_219178387Perhaps the most well-known spice for diabetes, cinnamon has been shown to help improve insulin sensitivity as well as blood glucose control. A little goes a long way, so go ahead and add a sprinkle to your morning cup of coffee or a teaspoon or so in your smoothie.


Although not as commonly used as some of the other herbs and spices on this list, fenugreek does not disappoint. Research has shown that both fenugreek extract and fenugreek seeds have impressive health benefits and may even help improve insulin sensitivity and fasting blood sugar.


shutterstock_447257608Ginger is commonly known for its tummy soothing benefits, but more research is pointing to its potential to help improve insulin sensitivity, improve cholesterol levels, as well as reduce oxidation. The research done so far is promising, and this is very exciting news for ginger lovers out there!

So, what’s the take-home message here? Herbs and spices have wonderful medicinal health properties that are not talked about nearly enough. Try adding some of these flavorful health-promoting superfoods to your recipes. While you’re enjoying the flavor, you may be helping your body better manage diabetes at the same time.


Natural News. URL Link. Accessed January 31, 2017.

Diabetes Action. URL Link. Accessed January 31, 2017.