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How You Can Ease Diabetic Bladder Symptoms

How You Can Ease Diabetic Bladder Symptoms

Do you have trouble completely emptying your bladder? Do you find that you don’t always know when you need to go?

A complication of diabetes that no one really talks about is diabetic neuropathy of the bladder. If you have these symptoms, you may have developed this condition. Fret not, for there are a few ways to help ease your problems.

Set a Schedule

People with a loss of sensation in their bladder may not know how full it is or when they need to urinate. To avoid the potential for incontinence, set up a schedule for going to the bathroom. WebMD suggests urinating every four hours whether you feel the urge or not.

Drink More Fluids

If you’re having trouble maintaining a good stream, you are prone to infections, or your urine is dark in color, it is a good idea to take in more water. You may also want to start drinking cranberry juice or eating cranberries on a regular basis. This berry helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Eat More Fiber

Hard stools from constipation can press against the bladder, making it difficult to hold in urine. Plus, if you have some bladder neuropathy, it’s also possible that your bowel muscles are weakened. Adults need between 20 to 40 grams of fiber a day, so get at it.

Learn Bladder Emptying Exercises

There are a few things you can do to more fully empty the bladder. One method is pressing against your lower belly and bladder to start the flow of urine to make sure it’s empty. You may also have an easier time pushing urine out by crossing one foot over your knee while on the toilet.

Speak With Your Doctor

There are several medications you can take to help with different bladder problems. Tolterodine and oxybutynin can soothe involuntary incontinence, while bethanechol can lend a hand in emptying your bladder more completely. Doctors can also help set you up with catheters and other supplies if needed for those who have a hard time urinating.


Diabetic Neuropathy: Treatment for Urinary Problems – Topic Overview. URL Link. Accessed April 26, 2017.

Diabetes and Your Bladder. URL Link. Accessed April 26, 2017.

Fiber: How Much Do You Need? URL Link. Accessed April 26, 2017.