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Hope for type 1 diabetics

Hope for type 1 diabetics

Metformin is a common drug used by type 2 diabetics to keep blood sugar levels controlled. Now, new research suggests that, by slowing down the advancement of heart disease, it may also benefit type 1 diabetes.

The study consisted on having two groups. One group consisted of patients taking metformin. The other consisted of type 1 diabetes patients with no evidence of heart disease and under insulin treatments. In both cases, the patients and their stem cells were monitored.

The study found that metformin increases the number of vascular stem cells. This means that diabetic patients can rehabilitate their own damaged blood vessels.

Dr. Jolanta Weaver, the leader of this study, said that the research is a step forward in having positive clinical implications for patients with risk of cardiovascular disease.

How does this help type 1 diabetics? Heart disease in type 2 diabetics is responsible for over half of all diabetes deaths.