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Help Me, I’m a Diabetic! When Do I Call the Doctor?

Help Me, I’m a Diabetic! When Do I Call the Doctor?

Some people with diabetes struggle to keep tabs on their blood sugar levels. A false move here or a missed injection there can lead to issues. You need to know when to call the doctor when you have diabetes. Here’s the breakdown of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes

You should call the doctor when you have diabetes in the following circumstances:

• Your blood sugar level exceeds or falls below what your doctor set for at least two readings.
• You’ve been vomiting or have had diarrhea for at least six hours.
• You’re exhibiting symptoms of low blood sugar, which include sweating, confusion, blurry vision, and bodily weakness.
• You’re unable to control your blood sugar levels due to another illness.

However, you should call the emergency services immediately if any of the following occurs:

• You’ve recently passed out, or you find yourself feeling weak and confused. Both suggest you have hypoglycemia, which means your blood sugar is too low.
• You’re displaying the symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis, which include finding it difficult to stay awake, taking fast and deep breaths, blurry vision, a fruity smell on your breath, confusion, and pains in your stomach that may lead to vomiting.

Type 2 Diabetes

You should call the doctor when you have diabetes in the following circumstances:

• You’ve had diarrhea, or have been vomiting, for at least six hours without signs of stopping.
• An illness prevents you from controlling your blood sugar levels.
Call the emergency services in the following circumstances:
• You’re displaying the symptoms of hyperosmolar state, which mirror those of diabetic ketoacidosis mentioned above.
• You’ve passed out, feel faint, or have consistent dizzy spells.


Those with diabetes must regulate their bodies to avoid issues. Call your doctor or the emergency services immediately if you experience any of the symptoms listed here.