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ED and Diabetes: Facts and Tips Worth Knowing

ED and Diabetes: Facts and Tips Worth Knowing

Although it’s not an immediate association, diabetes can often affect sexual development. We will address particularly Erectile Dysfunction as a possible low blood sugar consequence.

What is erectile dysfunction and how is it related to diabetes?

Medically, we refer to erectile dysfunction when the inability to achieve and maintain a satisfactory erection continually occurs during approximately six months period. Isolated cases aren’t considerate E.D.

Some facts about E.D. and Diabetes

In men with diabetes, the prevalence rates of erectile dysfunction fluctuate widely, from 35 to 75 percent. Men with diabetes are two to three times more likely to have E.D. than those without diabetes.

Men with diabetes can suffer from erectile dysfunction 10 to 15 years earlier than men without diabetes. Research suggests that erectile dysfunction may be an early sign of diabetes, especially in men 45 and younger.

Tips to enjoy your sexuality having diabetes:

1. Take care of yourself

Keeping your blood sugar levels under control won’t only make you feel better, it’ll help you avoid developing sexual response problems such as E.D.

2. Plan ahead

Arranging sexual encounters with your loved one can help you to keep your blood sugar and anxiety levels under control, especially if there have been episodes of E.D. linked to diabetes and you feel a bit self-conscious about it, talking, and scheduling can help you both relax.

3. Visit a doctor to rule out possible causes of your E.D.

In addition to diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, alcohol abuse and blood vessels affections are also causes of erectile dysfunction.

4. Check your meds

Consider erectile dysfunction can also occur due to side effects of some medications, psychological factors, smoking and hormonal deficiencies. It’s good to consult the doctor and check if any of your medicines may interact negatively.

5. Enjoy

Pressure to achieve a tremendous sexual performance often causes unnecessary problems. If you use insulin it’s essential to check your sugar levels before a sexual encounter and, if necessary, you can always incorporate fruit or food into foreplay to revitalize energy during a sudden hypoglycemic episode.