Home Diet & Recipes Diabetes & Sugar – 7 Sneaky Ways Sugar is Hiding in Food

Diabetes & Sugar – 7 Sneaky Ways Sugar is Hiding in Food

Diabetes & Sugar – 7 Sneaky Ways Sugar is Hiding in Food

Diabetics have the difficult task of monitoring their sugar intake almost every hour of the day.

The general misconception is that people with diabetes cannot eat sugar is not actually true. The fact is that you simply must be aware of your sugar intake by monitoring glucose levels and preparing yourself accordingly.

The problem here is that diabetics are also just regular people with regular duties and a regular 24 hours in the day: they don’t necessarily have time to closely monitor all of this every moment of the day!

As a result, many people reach for a quick and easy snack or drink to fuel themselves, boost their glucose levels, and keep moving along through their busy days. Sometimes, however, these snacks can be absolutely loaded with sugar even though they may seem “healthy.”

So in an effort to help you be more prepared for your day, here are 7 sneaky ways sugar is hiding in your food.

#1 Oatmeal

Oatmeal is known as a healthy food that packs a mean punch of energy. This is true if we are referring to the whole, raw oats that you find in the bulk section of your grocery store. Packaged oatmeal that is made for people on-the-go, however, is usually full of just as much sugar as a can of soda!

#2 Bottled Drinks

Anything bottled can pretty much be assumed to contain a lot of sugar, even the healthy drinks. While sometimes this can be helpful to get yourself out of a scary dip in blood sugar, it can also cause a scary spike in blood sugar as well. Be careful when selecting bottled drinks (as well as coffee and tea!).

#3 Granola Bars

Granola bars are the perfect snack to take with you virtually anywhere. The problem with them is that they are usually loaded with sugar! The sugar makes them palatable for even the pickiest of eaters and is also what helps keep all the little bits together in a bar shape. Read the nutritional content carefully to avoid selecting something too sugary.

#4 Cereals and Granola

Cereals and granola are the worst offenders when it comes to sugar. Even the most natural and fiber-filled cereals often contain a lot of sugar. Many granolas hide under the guise of being organic, but that doesn’t mean that they are healthy!

#5 Bread

Bread is an unexpected item on this list, but it certainly belongs here. Unless your bread is made from sprouts and grains only, it is most likely packed with sugar. Check the labels before buying to be sure that your whole grain, whole wheat, supposedly diabetes-friendly bread isn’t actually full of sugar.

#6 Dairy Products

Yogurt is an excellent food item for diabetics and has even been shown to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. This, however, does not include flavored yogurt that is often more sugary than soda. All natural yogurt without any added sugars or additives is the only kind of yogurt that is beneficial to diabetics.

#7 Sauces and Condiments

Did you know that ketchup actually has a lot of sugar? It’s true! Many condiments are laden with sugar, though they are meant to provide savory flavors. Beware of sauces, dressings, and condiments when eating out as they can be a hidden source of sugar.


Dr. Axe. URL Link. Accessed March 16, 2017.