Home Diet & Recipes Diabetes and Restaurants: How to Eat out When Dealing with the Disease

Diabetes and Restaurants: How to Eat out When Dealing with the Disease

Diabetes and Restaurants: How to Eat out When Dealing with the Disease

How can you eat out if you are living with diabetes? This is a major issue for diabetics. Don’t worry; you can still enjoy having dinner out. Getting it right is not that difficult as long as you keep portion sizes reasonable and reduce your intake of salt. But let’s look at diabetes and restaurants: how to eat out when dealing with the disease in more detail.

Check Out the Restaurant Online Before Dining Out

Nowadays, a lot of restaurants cater to diabetics, making special meal options available. By doing an online search, you’ll soon find one that does, and you may be able to check out the menu at that point. You could even ring ahead and ask the chef to cater to your needs as a diabetic.

Don’t Eat More Than You Would at Home

As you know, restaurant portions are much bigger than what you would serve at home. But that doesn’t mean you have to clear your plate. Instead, share a meal with someone else or take half of your dinner home in a container. Another option is to choose an appetizer as your main course.

Make Healthy Choices

Be smart about your menu choices. So, as an appetizer, choose fresh fruit or vegetable and stay away from heavy soups or crusty bread rolls. When it comes to the main course, opt for plain, low-salt meals and keep away from rich dressings, sauces, spicy foods, and high-condiment options. For dessert, choose gelatine, plain cakes, fresh fruit or sherbet.

Avoid the Trimmings

At restaurants, they like to give people rich dressings, fries on the side, etc., but you are better off steering clear of these little treats.

Final Thoughts

So, diabetes and restaurants: how to eat out when dealing with the disease, doesn’t have to be a headache!