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Diabetes & Erectile Dysfunction: 4 Signs You Should Never Ignore

Diabetes & Erectile Dysfunction: 4 Signs You Should Never Ignore

Diabetes can come with a host of other conditions and cause a number of complications. Some of these complications are relatively mild, requiring only a small lifestyle shift, while others are larger and may require dramatic upheavals, surgeries, or interventions. One fairly common side effect of diabetes is erectile dysfunction.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is characterized as a condition in which getting or maintaining an erection is frequently impossible. While it is true that having a few bouts of difficulty with erections does not qualify as a serious problem, consistent issues either beginning or perpetuating an erection can signal the presence of ED—which could signal other problems in your body.

ED covers a broad spectrum of erectile difficulties as it is used to denote the presence of any persistent trouble regarding erections. For some, ED means not being able to become erect at all while for others, ED may look closer to constant and unexplained stalling during intercourse.

ED and Diabetes

Because diabetes can cause problems with blood flow, this condition is quite common among men with diabetes, with studies estimating that between 50% and 65% of diabetic men struggle with the condition at one time or another; however, being common does not mean it should be ignored or left untreated.

#1. Persistent Difficulty Obtaining an Erection

There are many reasons it may be difficult to obtain an erection. Stress, fatigue, emotional disconnect, and medication can all be the source of difficulty. If the problem is constant or unexplained, however, you may need to schedule a visit with your physician to examine the possibility of nerve or circulatory damage.

#2. The Inability to Reach Orgasm

ED is also used to describe an inability to maintain an erection until ejaculation. If you find that you can become erect, but cannot maintain an erection consistently or achieve orgasm and subsequent ejaculation, this could be a sign of nerve damage in your lower extremities or a lack of adequate circulation, both of which can cause severe damage down the line.

#3. Numbness or Tingling in the Genitals

If you’ve noticed erectile issues that are only just beginning or are not consistent enough to warrant a diagnosis but still feel a numbness or tingling sensation, a visit to our doctor is warranted. Both numbness and tingling can indicate the presence of nerve damage, ranging from a simple pinched nerve to the more severe case of misfiring or wholly damaged nerves.

#4. Unusual Emotional Responses

Finally, if you have found yourself feeling despondent, furious, or depressed due to the presence of erectile issues, you may need to visit a qualified mental health professional. Depression and anxiety can also lead to ED as well as other diabetes complications.


Mayo Clinic. Accessed 7/22/17.

MedScape. Accessed 7/22/17.

Healthline. Accessed 7/22/17.