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Diabetes & Comedy – Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

Diabetes & Comedy – Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

Chances are, you’ve heard the saying: “Laughter is the best medicine.” Studies have shown that this is often the case: laughter has been linked to a decrease in pain and anxiety as well as chronic inflammation. Although diabetics experience the trinity as much as the next person, can laughter help diabetes specifically?

The answer, surprisingly, is a resounding, “Yes!”

What Exactly Does Laughter Do?

To begin, not all laughter is created equal. A tiny chortle and an emphatic guffaw cause very different reactions in the body, and a tiny titter of laughter is not enough to reap healthy benefits. A steady stream of robust laughter (rated a 4 or above on a scale of 1-5) is the type of laughter required to lock in the potential health benefits.

Laughter functions in the body like exercise. While laughing, the body experiences a spike in blood pressure and heart rate, followed by a period of muscle relaxation, a release of “feel-good” hormones, and a drop in blood pressure. Even though these effects have long been unofficially prescribed for mood disorders and chronic pain patients, there was little evidence to support the power of laughter in regulating blood sugar.

The Laughter Study

To determine whether laughter could help diabetic patients, a Japanese research team conducted a 2-day study wherein diabetes patients ate dinner, followed by a lecture the first day and a comedy show the second day. On the first day, researchers observed no significant blood sugar levels increase or decrease. On the second day, however, following the comedy show, patients’ blood glucose levels were significantly lower following a meal.

While the study was small, consisting of only 19 people, it revealed something powerful for men and women with diabetes: you can literally laugh your way to more stable blood sugar readings. The participants watched a 40-minute comedy show to develop lower blood sugar levels—not much longer than the average sitcom.

Laugh Your Way to Health

Although laughter cannot take the place of medication, a healthy diet, or exercise, it can be a small, simple piece of your overall wellness puzzle. When the stress of life overwhelms you, set aside a few moments each day to fit some laughter in, whether that means watching your favorite comedy show or spending time with a loved one with a gift for mirth.


ADA. Accessed 4/27/17.
Diabetes Self Management. Accessed 4/27/17.