Home Diet & Recipes Diabetes & Caffeine: What to Indulge, What to Avoid

Diabetes & Caffeine: What to Indulge, What to Avoid

Diabetes & Caffeine: What to Indulge, What to Avoid

Having a midday lull every single night signify a deeper problem in your body. Some days, however, you just need a small pick-me-up to keep going. If you find yourself in need of some extra energy, make sure you keep your wits about you and make choices your body will thank you for.

What to Avoid

#1. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks claim to offer a powerful boost in energy, citing an extremely high caffeine content as the primary source of fuel. Unfortunately, with very few exceptions, energy drinks are positively brimming with added sugar and are far closer in sugar content to soda than to coffee or tea. The caffeine may give you a boost, but the sugar will likely follow that up with a crash.

#2. Mixed Coffee Drinks

Whether you speak avid Starbucks, or you are a novice to the wonderful world of coffee, avoid coffee with added flavors. While a simple latté or cappuccino might be just fine for your blood sugar, most mixed coffee drinks are similarly filled with sugar and additives. Even the milk in your unflavored cappuccino could be problematic; many non-dairy milks contain sweeteners.

#3. Caffeine Shots

Caffeine shots give your body a jolt of energy that has been identified as the equivalent of 2-3 cups of coffee. While this may not seem problematic if no sugar is involved, one study found that blood sugar numbers were over 20% higher following the ingestion of caffeine shots. Consuming caffeine lowers insulin sensitivity, resulting in increased insulin production.

What to Indulge

#1. Black Coffee

Black coffee has some beneficial properties, provided that the coffee comes from a good-quality source. It has been linked to a lesser risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. That being said, coffee should always be used in moderation. Sucking down 5 cups of coffee a day is not a healthy practice.

#2. Caffeinated Teas

Green and black teas are caffeinated but do not typically contain enough caffeine to prove truly troublesome. In addition, green tea has compounds that have been linked to improved health both for diabetes and pre-diabetes. The greatest benefit of green tea typically comes from its ability to improve weight loss outcomes—a common issue among Type 2 diabetes patients.

#3. Dark Chocolate

If a drink isn’t your forte, munch on a square or two of dark chocolate to give yourself a small jolt of caffeine. Provided that the size is quite small, dark chocolate will offer the benefits of caffeine without any of the harmful side effects of caffeine-laden food and drinks.

You can get your life back, rapidly melting away your stubborn belly fat, getting your blood sugars under control and REVERSE your type-2 diabetes… and do it quite easily.

>> 1 Simple Trick to Fixing Your Diabetes


Health Day. Accessed 8/7/17.

Web MD. Accessed 8/7/17.