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Why Creating a Night Routine is Key for Diabetes

Why Creating a Night Routine is Key for Diabetes

Bedtime should consist of more than just laying your head on a pillow.

Going to bed may seem like a fairly simple procedure: you get into your night clothes, hop into bed, and go to sleep. Numerous studies have shown, however, that failing to consistently stick to a bedtime routine leads to increased sleep interruptions and decreased sleep quality.

Sleep and Routine

Creating a sleep routine is most commonly associated with children. To facilitate a better night’s sleep, however, adults must also tell their bodies it is time to wind down. Sleep routines do not have to be elaborate or eat up a lot of time; instead, they must prepare your body and mind for sleep.

Sleep routines are particularly important for men and women with diabetes because people with diabetes are at far greater risk of developing sleep apnea and the complications associated with it. Having a consistent bedtime routine in place will allow your body to settle in and get more, richer sleep.

What to Include

A sleep routine will be largely personalized according to your wants and needs, but there are a few elements everyone’s sleep routine should include. A diabetic person’s routine will likely differ somewhat from a typical routine, as diabetes patients require more monitoring and more careful eating and drinking patterns.

A good sleep routine for a diabetes patient will include a quick blood sugar check, a snack to keep you full, a method of relaxation to make sure your blood sugar stays at a moderate level, and a trip to the bathroom to discourage night waking.

A nighttime routine is also helpful if it includes light dimming, abstaining from using electronics, and reading a book before bed. All three of these actions will help your body follow its natural circadian rhythms, and will avoid reprogramming your body to wake up early or go to sleep late.

Minimizing Risks

Because people with diabetes are at increased risk for numerous conditions, working healthy habits into your nightly routine is an absolute must. These include engaging in relaxation to keep blood pressure down, brushing your teeth to ward off periodontal disease, and even doing a quick bit of exercise to prevent weight gain. Creating healthy habits will keep your sleep fitful and robust while maintaining your diabetes in check and increasing your levels of health.

If you do not yet have a basic bed time routine in place, the best time to start is now, and the best place to start is with the basics.

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Web MD. Accessed 7/1/17.
Everyday Health. Accessed 7/1/17.