Home Diet & Recipes Confidence the Key to Losing Weight

Confidence the Key to Losing Weight

Confidence the Key to Losing Weight
Cat with lion shadow on the wall

Losing weight can be difficult. One of the key problems with many weight loss programs and diets is that they often fail to address the underlying reasons that  led you to become overweight in the first place.

Emotional difficulties, insecurities, childhood conditioning and a host of other unconscious motivations often contribute to the reasons why we eat more than we should.

Learning to appreciate the healing power of natural foods can help change the unconscious programming that makes us consume  junk food and comfort food.

Just imagine if you could figure out the psychological source of compulsive eating and rid yourself of the impulse. Well, the good news is that you can. Katrina Love Senn, the author of Losing Weight is a Healing Journey, believes that losing weight is a holistic journey of healing.  She encourages people determined to lose weight to reroute their destructive thought processes by repeating positive affirmations. Here are four such powerful mantras that she thinks can help you rewire your brain and help you overcome the unconscious forces that lead you to overeat.

I am learning to love my body – Many people think they must be thin in order to love and respect themselves, when, in fact, the opposite is true. Self-destructive eating habits and self-hatred walk hand-in-hand.

Healing happens with each step I take –  Remember that weight loss and the process that goes with it is a healing one.

I’m feeling healthier and stronger with each small step – The ultimate goal of losing weight isn’t just to fit into that dress you can no longer squeeze into, but to become healthy and strong.

My food is healing me –  Learning to appreciate the healing power of natural foods can help change the unconscious programming that makes us consume  junk food and comfort food.

So don’t forget, by connecting with your inner potential you can make powerful changes that will reflect in greater wellness and self-respect.