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Calculate Your BMI and Learn if You Are at Risk of Diabetes.

Calculate Your BMI and Learn if You Are at Risk of Diabetes.

When you’re overweight,  you’re more likely to be caught off guard by a heart attack or plagued by diabetes that people of a healthier weight.


Body Mass Index (BMI) is an equation that incorporates a person’s height and weight. The  BMI Calculator determines if your overweight and how much weight you need to lose in order to reach a healthier weight.  A BMI reading that is higher than 25 is considered overweight and a healthy score ranges between 20 and 25. Any score that reads above 30 is considered obese.

The BMI is a diagnostic tool that is associated with determining life expectancy.  But there are exceptions regarding BMI. Athletes and muscles builders tend to have higher BMI readings that do not indicate increased mortality. But when used with other measurements the BMI is an especially effect means of determining an average person’s general health.

A high BMI, especially those that indicate obesity can lead to a plethora of health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, arthritis and some cancers.


The  Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study,  determined middle-aged women and men who gained between

11 to 22 pounds after they reached the age 20 were up to three times more at risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and gallstones than those who gained five pounds or fewer.

To determine your BMI visit the SmartBMICalculator.