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Are You Losing Your Eyesight?

Are You Losing Your Eyesight?

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults aged 20 to 74. Nonetheless, all changes that appear in your eyesight and their performance, should immediately send you to the ophthalmologist’s office. In many cases, however, the specialist will only treat the issue, without a more in-depth analysis of the causes that led to it. Also, low blood sugar levels may cause blurry vision, which immediately disappears after the blood sugar comes to normal. So, if you experience such issues, it may be a great idea to visit your doctor. They will certainly tell you what tests you must undergo in order to check your health appropriately.

Vision problems caused by diabetes

Yes, diabetes causes plenty of eye issues. This is why it is highly important to regularly check your health if you experience one of the conditions below, or if you have diabetes. There are plenty of management strategies that may help people in your situation preserve their sight.

  • Blurry vision. As mentioned before, blood sugar levels under the normal limits may cause blurry vision. However, the vision will become once again normal once the blood sugar levels come to normal. There is a simple way to correct this issue, namely regulating the blood sugar levels within the normal range (70-130 milligrams per deciliter). Usually, with proper medication, the vision will come back to normal within three months.
  • Cataracts is a condition in which the lens of your eye is swollen and covered in debris, which causes blurry vision. Although all people can suffer from it, it has been proven that diabetics tend to have it more often. This makes the vision cloudy, the patient being unable to focalize the image. The issue is fixed via a surgical intervention. Nonetheless, you should check yourself form diabetes as soon as you are informed that you may be suffering from cataracts.
  • Glaucoma is an eye disease in which pressure builds up in the eye. This may lead to serious issues, since the nerves and blood vessels are damaged in the process of liquid buildup. One of the most common forms of glaucoma is open-angle glaucoma. Unfortunately, the issue is discovered too late, when vision loss is very possible. Advisable would be to have performed a yearly eye checkup to detect it from time. Also, if you are a diabetic, you should check in with your doctor twice a year.

Do eye issues always imply diabetes?

Having bad eyesight does not necessarily mean that youhave diabetes. However, given the associated issues that appear with diabetes, there are higher chances to encounter these as a person with diabetes. So, if you notice that your vision is not as sharp as before, make sure to make an appointment with your doctor.

Management strategies and a balanced lifestyle certainly help people with diabetesprevent further disease and disabilities usually associated with diabetes. Make sure to check in with your doctor as soon as you notice a change in your vision.