Home Featured 8 Sneaky Ways Diabetics Can Burn More Calories

8 Sneaky Ways Diabetics Can Burn More Calories

8 Sneaky Ways Diabetics Can Burn More Calories

So you want to lose weight, right?

At least, if you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, then this may be true for you. Losing weight is all about a healthy diet and exercise, right? But sometimes a healthy diet and exercise can seem a bit overwhelming. I get it. So let’s simplify this whole “weight loss” thing even further: burn more calories than you consume.

That’s really all there is to it. Of course, I’m all about eating the rainbow and healing your body with food, but when it comes to losing weight, it really can be as simple as burning calories.

So, please continue to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Please continue to work exercise into your daily habits. And please try to burn a few extra calories each day in these sneaky ways.

#1 Take the Stairs

If there is ever an option to take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator, then do it. It’s a super easy way to burn a few extra calories, get the blood flowing, and the heart pumping. Heading up 100 floors? Then maybe don’t take the stairs, at least the whole way. Compromise and take the stairs up five floors, then move over to the elevator.

#2 Deliver Messages in Person

Sending an e-mail or a quick online message makes working in the 21st century super easy. It’s also making us super fat. Instead of sending messages to your colleagues and friends who are presumably within walking distance from your desk, stand up, walk over to them, and deliver the message in person.

#3 Park Far Away

Finding the best parking spot is sometimes the highlight of my day, but it’s also such a lazy venture. Instead of stressing over the best parking spot, head to the back of the lot and walk yourself across the parking lot like a beauty queen pageant walking on stage.

#4 Don’t Hold Your Pee

This sounds crazy but just think about it: how often do you find yourself running to the bathroom to relieve yourself? In fact, I’d bet that this is the only way that you go to the bathroom when you’re at work. Don’t do it! Instead, head to the restroom as often as you need. This way, you are up and out of your chair twice as much throughout the day.

#5 Eat Lunch Outside

Stop eating lunch at your desk. Get up, find a nice spot under a beautiful tree, and watch the people around you as you chow down on your lunch. It may be just an extra 50 steps, but your legs (and mental health) will thank you.

#6 Have More Sex

Finally, a list item that we can all get behind (*wink wink*). Seriously, though: if you have the opportunity to safely have more sex, then do it! Sex could potentially be a cardio workout if you go into it with a little bit of excitement. Twenty minutes of cardio a day is good for the heart and burning calories. So, why not?

#7 Clean the House

Housecleaning can seriously break a sweat sometimes. Add about 15 minutes of cleaning a day and not only will you be easily burning calories but also you will have a clean house.

#8 Stand up

If there is ever an opportunity to stand instead of sit, do it. Easy.