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6 Myths about Diabetes Debunked

6 Myths about Diabetes Debunked

Diabetes is a complicated disease. It has too many do’s and don’ts, ranging from rules of eating, lifestyle and controlling blood glucose. As the number of diabetics increases, there is also more patients to educated and manage. With the increasing number of patients, the number of misconceptions, too, grew.

Here are 6 common misconceptions or myths that should be clarified.

#1 – Diabetes is a long-term disease and not lethal

Although diabetes is a long-term disease and patients do not die quickly from it, it can be a slow and painful course. It is wrong for patients to think that diabetics do not die from diabetes. Diabetics are more likely to die from a heart attack, stroke and are associated with many other issues such as eye, kidneys and nerve issues that may affect the quality of life for patients.

#2 – Diabetes only occurs in those who are overweight or obese

This is not true as there are many diabetics who are neither overweight nor obese. Although being overweight and obese is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, it is not the only factor that contributes to the disease. Other factors such as age, race, and genes also play an important role in getting diabetes. Lifestyle habits are also important as smoking, exercise, and diet can be vital in the prevention of the disease.

#3 – Diabetics have a lower immune system

There is the general myth saying that diabetics are more susceptible to catching colds and other infections. However, there has been no evidence that supports this myth. It is still, however, recommended for diabetics have their flu shots as it will help prevent any unnecessary infections.

#4 – Consuming too much sugar leads to diabetes

Uhm, no! Type 1 diabetes is caused mostly by genetics leading to insufficient production of insulin. Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle and genetics, leading to resistance to insulin.

#5 – Starchy foods should be avoided

Diabetics can still consume starchy foods, just in controlled portions. Diabetics are still expected to have some amount of carbohydrates in their diet.

#6 – Diabetics should avoid treats, chocolates, and sweets

That’s no way to live! Diabetics can still enjoy these treats but in small portions and only if they exercise to work off the excess calories.

I hope you readers out there spread the word on what is true and what is not. Myths like these can affect diabetics out there and jeopardize their quality of life!


Zia S. Diabetes: 8 common misconceptions. Everyday Diabetes. Accessed 3/9/2017.