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5 Tips to Handle the Holiday Stress

5 Tips to Handle the Holiday Stress

How are the preparations coming along, guys?

The festive season is in full swing and some of you are probably losing their minds trying to put the last finishing touches together.

From holiday shopping to whipping up the perfect family meal, the holiday season can be quite stressful, and we all know that the last thing any of you need right now is to have to fret over blood sugar levels.

To help you breeze through the holiday, here are five best tips that will keep you from going insane.

Plan ahead. Don’t wait until the last minute. Put your mind at peace by prepping everything in advance. If you are a worry-freak like me, prepare a plan B and C for that worst case scenario.

Accept the unexpected. Anything can happen in life. While no one wants burnt turkey and family bickering to become the highlights of the year, do not let these kinds of frustrating events ruin your holiday spirit. Embrace them and just go with the flow. Everything will be just fine.

Avoid skipping meals. Being hangry will just be adding more weight to your stress. No matter how busy you get, be sure to treat yourself to a proper meal. After all, you need all the energy you can get to cruise through the holiday without burning yourself out.

Physical Activity. Exercise helps to boost the production of happy hormones called endorphins. It also has a knack for making you forget about the stressful events in your life by keeping your mind focused on the physical activity at hand.

Enjoy. Who cares about the lousy gifts, the tasteless turkey, or the messy living room. Christmas comes once a year. Set aside your worries. After all, it’s the most wonderful stressful time of year.