Home Diet & Recipes 5 Fat-Burning Foods to Curb Diabetes

5 Fat-Burning Foods to Curb Diabetes

5 Fat-Burning Foods to Curb Diabetes

Lately, studies have been pouring out about obesity and diabetes. The fatter you are, they say, the more likely you have diabetes.

Of course, by now, you probably already know this.

But the same is true for children. The fatter they are, the more likely they will develop type 2 diabetes. Since there is definitely a way to prevent this disease, wouldn’t you want to play a part in the cause?

This epidemic is not only sweeping through the United States, but it’s also crossed over the globe and has hit Australia pretty hard, as well.

In fact, Australia has even more obese people than the U.S.! It’s time to take steps to get this epidemic under control.

Here are five breakfasts that help you do just that.

#1 Fruit!

It has been said about a dozen times, but every single time it’s true: fruit is good for you. Though fruit has sugar in it, it also packs a lot of fiber to slow the intake of carb. Loaded with vitamins and minerals that help support your body in virtually all of its functions, like an all-natural multivitamin, you don’t want to miss out on this natural health booster!

#2 All Natural, Sugar-Free Yogurt

All natural yogurt (not the major brand types) has natural probiotics, which jumpstarts your digestion. Probiotics aid your body to metabolize glucose a whole lot better as well, making them a perfect breakfast for diabetics.

#3 Overnight Oats

Fiber is essential in slowing the intake of glucose, and oatmeal is brimming with them. The slow-release carbohydrates keep you fuller longer so that you are less likely to stuff your face with sugary foods later.

#4 Eggs, Eggs, Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein without the fat that usually comes with protein. This helps fuel you throughout the day without spiking your blood sugar. More energy also means more calories burned, which gears you toward your goal of dropping the pounds.

#5 Peanut Butter

Although many people tend to think that peanut butter is fattening, it’s actually a super weapon in losing fat. This is because it signals your body to release peptide YY, a hormone that tells you that you’re full. People that eat peanut butter in the morning are less likely to have spiked blood sugar levels after lunch that same day.


Eating Well. URL Link. Retrieved April 26, 2017.

Women’s Health Mag. URL Link. Retrieved April 26, 2017.

Smart Brief. URL Link. Retrieved April 26, 2017.