Home Diet & Recipes 5 Easy Ways Diabetics Can Eat More Berries

5 Easy Ways Diabetics Can Eat More Berries

5 Easy Ways Diabetics Can Eat More Berries

First, let’s address the technical stuff: did you know that berries can actually reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes?

So many people are warning against fruit yet science is saying the opposite. One study followed over three million participants by reviewing their medical records. Over the course of the study, they noted their dietary flavonoid intakes (the active compound in berries) and the presence of type 2 diabetes (among other things).

What they found was that those who ate flavonoid-rich foods were significantly less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

So, in the spirit of promoting berry consumption, here are 5 easy recipes to increase your berry intake:

#1 Acai, Berry and Baobab Breakfast Bowl

Suggested serving.

While the baobab isn’t a simple ingredient (leave it out if you haven’t got it), the rest of the ingredients are worth the effort. Each of these ingredients is not only packed with flavonoids but also lots of vitamins and minerals that help support brain health. This recipe is perfect for these hot summer months and can be eaten for virtually any meal.

#2 Strawberry, Raspberry, and Ginger Smoothie

Suggested serving.

This is such a simple recipe. Berries provide a healthy boost while the fresh ginger gives it a nice little zing that will really blow your mind. Plus, ginger is excellent for your immune system and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

#3 Tahini-Baked Oatmeal With Raspberries and White Chocolate Chips

Suggested serving.

This recipe is a whole lot healthier than it sounds. In fact, there isn’t even any added sugar! The tahini provides a subtle nutty taste along with a dose of healthy fats. The white chocolate chips are optional, but obviously, a small handful couldn’t hurt.

#4 Berry and Coconut Fruit Salad

Suggested serving.

A simple berry salad seems almost too easy to list here, but this isn’t just any berry salad. The coconut is a nice treat that offers brain-boosting fats while the squeeze of lime and drizzle of honey really makes this healthy snack seem indulgent.

#5 Chocolate Chip Blueberry Breakfast Quinoa

Suggested serving.

Quinoa is full of protein and digests smoothly, making it a surprisingly great alternative to oatmeal. Combine it with berries, and you’ve got yourself a great, diabetes-reducing meal.


The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. URL Link. Retrieved June 1, 2017.