Home Diet & Recipes 4 Ways to Eat Less Without Dieting

4 Ways to Eat Less Without Dieting

4 Ways to Eat Less Without Dieting

You didn’t think it was possible, did you?

It is. Dieting is not the only solution to eating less, though it is always the first that comes to mind. And because dieting comes with so much red tape, many people fail at their diets before they even see any major results.

Instead of dieting, try mindful eating.

Mindful eating is a major part of shedding off the extra pounds and is considered faster and easier than with traditional dieting tactics. Instead of saying “no” to all the foods that you think are bad for you, try being more aware of those foods as you eat them and increase your intake of the better foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Still not sure where to begin? Here are 4 tips on how to successfully eat mindfully.

#1. Slow Down

Somehow eating has turned into a semi-professional sport where most people are racing to finish. As a fast eater myself, I can certainly understand the temptation.

Instead of scarfing down your food at your next meal, try taking your time. One way to slow down the eating process is to count at least twenty chews per bite of food. Place your fork down while you chew and relax your hands on your lap.

This will allow your body to fully utilize your mouth as the first step in digestion while also giving your brain more time to realize when your stomach is full.

#2. Pay Attention

How often do you notice the details of the food you are eating?

Try to pay close attention to each morsel of food that you eat. What colors do you see? How does it smell? What are the different textures? Noticing the details of your food can not only slow you down, but it can also signal to your brain that you are satisfy as you are eating. Go ahead, enjoy it!

#3. Savor the Silence

Eating has turned into such a chore that often we find ourselves crouched over our smartphones as we shovel food into our mouths. Eating is also an incredibly social venture where we mindlessly plug food into our mouths as we share the latest gossip with our friends.

Both of these things distract us from the process of eating, causing us to eat heaps more than is necessary. Instead, try savoring your meals in a peaceful state so that you can really focus on the food that nourishes your body.

#4. Listen to the Body

Perhaps the most important step but also the most overlooked is to actually listen to your body. How do you feel as you eat the food? What emotions does this meal bring about? Notice the subtle changes as you go from ravenous to satisfied. Try stopping before you reach totally stuffed.

This may be a bit strange but give it a try! Not only do these tricks help you lose weight, but they lend a helping hand to your stomach in its digestion task.


Huffington Post. Accessed March 31, 2017.

Psychology Today. Accessed March 31, 2017.