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4 Ways to Reduce the Stress of Managing Type 2 Diabetes

4 Ways to Reduce the Stress of Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Stress reduction is an incredibly important part of living a healthy life and is even more important when you live with a chronic disease. Diabetes can put a strain on the body and can trigger inflammation. Stress also causes inflammation which is why it’s important to manage your stress levels appropriately.

When you encounter stress in your life, whether it be everyday stressors that come with the modern-day world or chronic life stressors, they all take a toll on your health. When you’re stressed, your blood pressure may go up, your heart may start to race, and anxiety may even kick in.

When you add stress to the already stressful process of managing your Type 2 diabetes, it can make managing life and your diabetes protocol difficult.

Here are four ways to manage your stress to help you better control your diabetes and live a more relaxed and healthy lifestyle.

Set Goals

Goal setting is a very useful way of helping you feel in control of your health. When you set goals, you can design your own path for success. You can set milestones you know you can realistically meet, and reward yourself once you do. Think about goals related to diabetes management such as exercising 4-5 times per week and eating a well-balanced diet. Not only will this help manage your Type 2 diabetes, but it can help manage your stress as well.

Make Lists and Reminders

shutterstock_458549650Here’s a super easy way to make sure you tackle everything on your to-do list. Make a list of your monthly doctors’ appointments, when you should be taking your medication, and pencil in some reminders for stress reduction such as meditation and yoga. If you schedule things into your day, you are more likely to accomplish them without feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

Be Realistic

Everyone wants to set goals and go after them, but it’s important that you are realistic with yourself! Make your goals manageable. Set a few times a day to exercise if exercising in one big block doesn’t work for you, and set aside maybe 2-3 days per week for healthy meal prep instead of dedicating one full day. When you are realistic with yourself, you are less likely to feel defeated if you don’t reach your goal.

Make Time for Laughter

shutterstock_370566776Too many people focus on the stressful parts of life that they don’t allow time for enjoyment. While managing your diabetes can be stressful at times, don’t forget to laugh, enjoy things you love, and spend time with friends and family. Find ways to let your worries go by the wayside even if it’s just for an hour each day. The more time you spend in a relaxed state, the better your health will be, and the better you will be able to manage your Type 2 diabetes.