Home Recent 4 Tips To Safely Enjoy Turkey

4 Tips To Safely Enjoy Turkey

4 Tips To Safely Enjoy Turkey

Defrost. You should never defrost meat at room temperature because of bacteria spur at a lighting rate between 4°C – 60°C. The safest way to defrost meat is by placing it in the refrigerator where the temperature should be between 0°C and 4°C. Rule of thumb: it takes one whole day to defrost a 3-kg turkey. Add a day of defrosting for every additional 2-kg of weight.

You can choose to defrost turkey by transferring it into a plastic bag and submerging it in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes. Rule of thumb: 1-hour of defrosting for every 1-kg of weight.

Cooking temperature. Turkey should be roasted at a temperature equal or above 330°F. Setting a temperature below 330°C encourages the growth of bacteria as some parts of the turkey may oscillate in the danger temperature zone (4°C – 60°C).

The Stuffing. Do not cook the turkey with raw stuffing. Instead, cook the stuffing separately and refrigerate it. Before roasting the turkey, stick the stuffing into the turkey.


Source: MAPAQ