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Oral Health & Diabetes – 4 Tips to Keep That Smile

Oral Health & Diabetes – 4 Tips to Keep That Smile

We’ve heard how uncontrolled diabetes can open up the portal to heart disease, kidney problems, amputation, and nerve damage, but did you know that your choppers are also at risk?

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels hinder the saliva production and encourage the release of salivary sugar. As a result, people are more likely to suffer from oral problems such as gingivitis, cavities, and dry mouth. Studies have shown that a high number of individuals with diabetes are plagued with gum diseases. As if that wasn’t bad enough, gum diseases can cause a spike in your blood sugar on his end.

To keep your smile and teeth shining bright, here are four tips you better work on if you haven’t already.

Controlled Blood Sugar. Eat healthy, exercise, monitor your glycemia, pop your pills as directed, and avoid being stressed. In other words, do whatever you can to keep that glycemia within normal range.

Ditch the bud. Smoking is not sexy, period. Aside from bestowing you with dragon’s breath, stained teeth, tartar, it puts you at greater risk for gum diseases as well.

Floss and Brush. Rule of thumb: floss (at least) once a day and brush (at least) twice a day. Don’t think for a minute that flossing is any less important than brushing. Flossing helps to get rid of the bacteria and plaque that may be hard to reach with the brush. The order on which you execute these two tasks is not of importance as long as you do them properly.

Regular Checkups. Pay your dentist a visit every six months for a peace of mind. If you suffer from any oral problems, discuss with your dentist about the possible treatments. Be sure to let him know that you have diabetes so that he can be that more vigilant when giving you a checkup.