Home Diet & Recipes 4 Reasons Diabetes Patients Should Be Wary of the Paleo Craze

4 Reasons Diabetes Patients Should Be Wary of the Paleo Craze

4 Reasons Diabetes Patients Should Be Wary of the Paleo Craze

The paleo diet is not new but continues to gain traction in the health world. Some proponents suggest the paleo diet is so powerful, it can reverse chronic diseases such as diabetes, colitis, and even cognitive disorders such as autism. While these are wild (and unsupported claims), still others have suggested that the paleo diet is a return to a more “natural” method of eating and should be adopted to provide the human stomach with the nutrients and building blocks they need.

What Is the Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet is so named for its assertion that we should eat as cavemen did—avoiding processed foods, grains, sugar, etc. Instead, it contends that your diet should consist primarily of fruits, vegetables, and various animal meats. Some paleo adherents eat dairy, while others do not. Eating this way, proponents suggest, will allow your body to glean the optimal amount of nutrients possible, create less stress for your digestive system, and heal any GI tract issues you have developed.

4 Reasons Paleo is Not Ideal for Diabetes

#1. Lack of Carbohydrate-Rich Foods

Grains are an extremely important building block in your body’s nutritive stores and development, and taking this entire food group out of your diet could not only disrupt your body’s natural processes but also severely impact your blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

#2. Emphasis on Fat

Many proponents of the paleo diet encourage a diet extremely high in fat. Although consuming fat is certainly part of a healthy diet, placing a lot of emphasis on consuming fat can result in excess weight gain, high triglyceride levels, and high blood pressure—all of which put you at risk for developing diabetes and can increase the likelihood of complications in individuals who have already been diagnosed.

#3. Can Raise Stress Levels

One study found that the paleo diet resulted in higher levels of anxiety and depression, both of which can depress the immune system and increase inflammation. A low immune response and inflammation have both been linked to the development of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

#4. Indiscriminate Use of Meat

Not all meat is created equal, as numerous studies have found. The paleo diet asserts that meat is an absolute must in your dietary choices but does not delineate which meats should be consumed. Many red meats have been linked to a higher risk of diabetes. Instead, most nutritionists encourage eating fish and healthy oils for your fat and protein intake.

As you search for the dietary principles and practices that are right for you and your body, try to avoid the latest craze and aim, instead, for high-quality, whole foods in all of the recommended food groups.

Web MD. Accessed 6/25/17.
Eat This. Accessed 6/25/17.
Diabetes Self Management. Accessed 6/25/17.