Home Diet & Recipes 4 Easy Steps To Help Diabetics Keep Up With Their Exercise

4 Easy Steps To Help Diabetics Keep Up With Their Exercise

4 Easy Steps To Help Diabetics Keep Up With Their Exercise

If you are always finding excuses not to go for that run or start that workout, you might need a little motivator!

Staying active is so important to your health, especially for those with metabolic disorders. Aerobic exercise, in particular, can help your body use insulin and improve insulin sensitivity along with a host of other benefits. The American Diabetes Association recommends getting about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day and a minimum of 150 minutes total each week. Yet, it can be hard to stay on track with the same old, same old when it comes to running and working out.

To help you keep up with your daily fitness needs, here are a few exercise tools to try out.

Fitness Trackers

Apps such as My Fitness Pal and  Charity Miles, fill a few of these needs. Use these free and paid apps to keep track of calories burned, miles run, and to even get some additional motivation to keep up with your routine. For instance, PACT, is an app that allows users to bet on how much exercise they’ll commit to each week. Users pool their money and each week those who keep to their routine get a cash payout.

Activity Logs and Fitness Worksheets

For those who prefer to see everything on paper, there are a number of different kinds of activity logs and fitness tracking worksheets available online. You could even use spreadsheet making software to create a custom tracking system. This is a great option for those who already have a workbook or binder to record their daily blood glucose levels in.

Dumbbells, water bottle, fitness tracker, and earphones


These handy weights are available in a full range of sizes, even petite 2 lb. dumbbells for those who are just trying to maintain existing strength or add something extra to a workout routine. You can also keep the smaller weights at your desk or by the sofa to get in a quick workout between commercials. As you get better at your routine and develop muscle, you can gradually increase the weights you lift.

Stability Ball

This is another great tool to use throughout the day. Many people actually sit on stability balls while at their desks to engage those core muscles in their stomach. Plus, you can use it in a workout routine. No matter your preference these make exercise a little more fun!


What We Recommend. URL Link. Accessed November 3rd, 2017.

6 Must-Have Home Workout Tools. URL Link. Accessed November 3rd, 2017.

Track Your Activities. URL Link. Accessed November 3rd, 2017.

The 25 Best Fitness Apps of 2017. URL Link. Accessed November 3rd, 2017.