Home Featured 4 Cooking Herbs for Type 2 Diabetes

4 Cooking Herbs for Type 2 Diabetes

4 Cooking Herbs for Type 2 Diabetes

Herbs and spices have been used for thousands of years for their powerful medicinal properties. While they add savory and aromatic flavors to recipes, certain herbs have been shown to wield powerful diabetes-supporting health benefits.

Here are four cooking herbs to help manage Type 2 diabetes.

#1 Cumin

According to an Indian study, people who took 2 grams of cumin every day decreased their blood sugar levels.

An additional study found that cumin may be able to help insulin sensitivity, making it a natural way to better control blood sugar levels.

#2 Turmeric

Turmeric holds powerful anti-inflammatory benefits and may also be able to assist with diabetes management as well.

Studies have shown that the curcuminoids in turmeric can help prevent diabetes while also boosting overall liver function.

Other studies have linked turmeric consumption with a decrease in blood sugar levels.

#3 Ginger

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, the consumption of ginger is associated with levels of glycemia.

Ginger is very accessible and can be easily added to anyone’s diet. If you don’t love the flavor of ginger, you can start small by adding just a pinch of ginger powder or ground ginger to smoothies.

#4 Garlic

The stinking rose is a good food choice for blood sugar and high blood pressure control.

Try adding garlic to stir-fry recipes or whipping up a homemade roasted garlic spread.
Nature offers fantastic “medicines” of their own, and they are often overlooked due to the demand for modern day pharmaceutical drugs.

It’s important to remember that before pharmaceutical drugs were available, herbs and spices were used as medicine. They continue to hold the same amazing health benefits as they did thousands of years ago.

Be sure to check with your physician as some of these herbs combined with blood sugar medications could drop the levels too low.

Happy cooking!


Live Strong. URL Link Accessed February 20, 2017

Healthy & Natural World. URL Link Accessed February 20, 2017