Home Diet & Recipes 3 Diabetic Reasons to Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet

3 Diabetic Reasons to Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet

3 Diabetic Reasons to Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet

Flaxseeds are a powerful superfood that can do wonders for your health. These little seeds have been around for thousands of years, and as of recently are gaining some spotlight attention.

Could this superfood have powerful diabetes supporting benefits?

Here are three reasons to add flaxseeds to your diet!

#1. May Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

shutterstock_341022719It’s known that having ground flaxseeds as part of your diet can help prevent a blood sugar spike after a meal, but new research is showing that a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds every day can help reduce fasting blood sugar, as well as triglyceride and cholesterol levels. It’s also been shown to reduce A1C levels.


#2. Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Not only can ground flaxseeds help reduce blood glucose levels, but studies are now showing that by adding this superfood to your diet, flaxseeds can help improve insulin sensitivity. In a 12-week study, a significant drop in insulin resistance was found. That’s pretty impressive!

#3. Boost Your Fiber Intake

shutterstock_515955535-1Getting enough fiber in your diet is an important step in managing your diabetes. By adding ground flaxseeds to your diet, you may be able to help slow the release of carbohydrates. Next time you enjoy a piece of fruit, try adding a tablespoon of ground flax to boost your fiber intake and slow the release of sugar into your bloodstream.

The Many Other Benefits of Flaxseeds

The great thing about flaxseeds is that they aren’t only good for diabetes management, they are excellent for your overall health as well. Here are just a handful of additional benefits:

  • Rich in plant-based omega-3 fatty acids
  • Rich source of plant-based protein
  • Flax is a low glycemic food
  • Flax is considered a whole grain
  • Flax will help keep you feeling full for longer preventing you from overeating
  • Help prevent the onset of heart disease
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Prevent cancer
  • Boost digestive health

How to Add Flaxseeds to Your Diet

shutterstock_527621962So, you want to add flaxseeds to your diet? The great news is that there are plenty of quick and easy ways for you to do so!

  • Add ground flax to your morning cup of unsweetened yogurt
  • Sprinkle over a warm bowl of oatmeal
  • Enjoy on toast
  • Sprinkle over sliced fruit
  • Add to your daily smoothie or protein shake


Nutrition Facts. URL Link. Accessed January 30, 2017.