Home Diet & Recipes 3 Diabetes Friendly Breakfast Options

3 Diabetes Friendly Breakfast Options

3 Diabetes Friendly Breakfast Options

Breakfast is often the hardest meal of the day but also the most important. It can be difficult for someone with diabetes to figure out what to eat for breakfast, let alone make it in time before heading out the door to work! I mean, those sugary muffins and donuts at the local coffee shop are out of the question, so figuring out what’s for breakfast can be a little bit of a hassle.

For those of you who skip breakfast or are tired of eating the same old thing every morning, I have great news. I am about to share three uncommon diabetic friendly breakfast options with you that bring breakfast to a whole new level.

These breakfast options are quick, convenient, and of course delicious because who really has time to whip up a gourmet breakfast every morning?

#1: Sunrise Shake

smoothie-01Here’s a delicious and light option for those of you who just want a grab-and-go breakfast. Simply toss some blueberries, flax seeds, unsweetened Greek yogurt, and unsweetened almond milk into the base of a blender, and blend. Take this shake to go, and you have yourself a protein-packed breakfast that you can enjoy on your way to work.

#2: Egg Muffins

egg-02Egg lovers out there, there’s now a new way to enjoy your eggs that doesn’t even involve turning the stove on in the morning! Make a batch of these super easy egg muffins on the weekend for easy on the go breakfast options during the week. Whisk together some eggs, toss in your favorite veggies, herbs, and spices and bake them in a muffin tin for about 20 minutes. Refrigerate leftovers and enjoy for breakfast.

#3: Protein Muffin

muffin-01When you have diabetes, having traditional muffins isn’t always possible, and I get it; sometimes we all miss those traditional breakfast options. Have no fear, because you can make your own muffin with just a handful of ingredients. All you need is some rolled oats, two eggs, flax seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon, and one mashed banana. Mix everything together and bake as you would traditional muffins. Play around with the amount of cinnamon you add and adjust to your liking. Remember that cinnamon is a diabetes superfood!

Don’t let breakfast be the most dreaded meal of your day. It’s true that it’s the most important meal of the day, and a healthy breakfast can set the intention for a day of making healthy choices. Try these recipes this week to see just how easy breakfast can be, and know that you never have to sacrifice flavor!